חברי האגודה שלום רב, הכנס השנתי בירושלים עבר בהצלחה רבה. הבחירות התקיימו במועד שנקבע והועד החדש כבר נכנס לפעולה. הרבה תודות לחברי הוועד היוצא ובהצלחה לחברי הועד הנכנס. בחוברת מאי סיכום על הכנס השנתי, עדכונים, חדשות וכתבות בנושאים חשובים שהתפרסמו בחודש האחרון, לו”ז כנסים ומפגשים בארץ או בחו”ל ועוד. צפייה מהנה. |
חדשות וועד האגודה |
הכנס השנתי ה-45 של IESבאווירה כייפית ירושלמית, הכנס השנתי זכה להצלחה רבה עם הרצאות מגוונות מצוינות ומספר רב של משתתפים שהגיע ל 360 איש. הועד היוצא מסכם עם טעם טוב 4 שנות עבודה והכנס בירושלים ייזכר לזכותם. תודה רבה לכל החברים שהשתתפו בהכנת הכנס ובמיוחד לפרופ’ יוסי אורלי ששימש כיו”ר הכנס. בפתח האסיפה הכללית חולקו תעודות הוקרה וחברות של כבוד לחברי האגודה הגימלאים הממשיכים לתרום מפועלם ומרצם. תעודות ההוקרה חולקו ל: צבי צדיק, אסתר ליברמן, יוסי וייסמן. בהמשך חולק פרס חוברס (בני גרפינקל) וניתנה הרצאת הפרס. הוכרז הזוכה הנבחר בפרס לינדנר (ערן אלינב) אשר לא הגיע עקב תקלה בטיסה חזרה ארצה. חולקו פרסים לתקציר קליני (נג’ווה עבדולהג’) ובסיסי (כפיר דוד) מצטיינים וכן 3 פרסים לפוסטר מצטיין (ענבל חלבי, קרלוס בן בסט, איברהים כנאני). במהלך הכנס הוכרזו תוצאות הבחירות לוועד האגודה חדש והנבחרים הם - פרופ’ אבי קרסיק, נשיא
- דר’ יואל טולדנו, מזכיר
- פרופ’ קרלוס בן בסט, גזבר
- דר’ גליה גת יבלונסקי
- פרופ’ גיל ליבוביץ
- פרופ’ רינה מידן
- פרופ’ רות שלגי
- פרופ’ קרן תורגמן
חברים ועד הביקורת: פרופ’ יצחק קוך, פרופ’ סופיה איש-שלום ודר’ שמואל שילו | מלגות להשתתפות בכנסים האגודה מעמידה לזכות חוקרים צעירים מלגות נסיעה להשתתפות פעילה בכנס בינלאומי. המועד הבא להגשת בקשות הוא 31 במאי. פרטי המלגות והוראות הגשה באתר. |
From the Endocrine Society |
Endocrine Society To Launch First Online-Only Open-Access Journal This Fall.The Endocrine Society will launch its first online-only, open-access journal to quickly share the latest advances. Its first editor-in-chief will be J. Larry Jameson, MD, PhD. In addition, ES announced journals Endocrinology and Molecular Endocrinology will merge into a single journal beginning in January 2017 and retain the Endocrinology name. להמשך קריאה ENDO 2016 Boston: Sessions on OsteoporosisBenefits and risks of osteoporosis therapies New frontiers in osteoporosis: targets in bone remodeling |
אירועים וכנסים בארץ ובחו”ל |
קוים מנחים והצהרות |
ESE Clinical Guideline For Paraganglioma, Pheochromocytoma. European Society of Endocrinology recommends patients who have undergone surgery for a pheochromocytoma or paraganglioma be followed for at least 10 years to assess local or metastatic recurrence. The new guidelines complements recently published Endocrine Society guidelines. http://www.eje-online.org/content/174/5/G1 An Endocrine Society New Clinical Practice Guideline The Management of Primary Aldosteronism: Case Detection, Diagnosis, and Treatment http://press.endocrine.org/doi/pdf/10.1210/jc.2015-4061 |
חדשות באנדוקרינולוגיה |
Experts Rename Type Of Thyroid Tumor, Saying It Really Is Not Cancer. An international panel of doctors has decided that a type of tumor that was classified as a cancer is not a cancer at all. The panel has renamed it, now calling it a “noninvasive follicular thyroid neoplasm with papillary-like nuclear features, or NIFTP, rather than an encapsulated follicular variant of papillary thyroid carcinoma להמשך קריאה HABP2 Gene Mutations Do Not Cause Familial or Sporadic Thyroid Cancer Researchers from Saudi Arabia were unable to found HABP2 gene mutations in four families with NMTC, and the G534E variant did not appears to be the underlying genetic defect in a large sample of sporadic NMTC להמשך קריאה Study Whether Metformin Can Help Prevent Diseases Associated With Aging. Scientists leaded by Dr Nir Barzilai, director of the Institute for Aging Research at the Albert Einstein College of Medicine, are planning a clinical trial to see if the drug can delay or prevent some devastating diseases of advanced age, from heart ailments to cognitive decline to cancer. To test the pill, gerontologists at 14 aging centers around the U.S. will follow 3,000 seniors for six years. Half the seniors involved would get the drug, while the others would receive a placebo. להמשך קריאה During Pregnancy TSH Reference Limits May Differ Widely An study of 6671 pregnant women published in JCEM suggest TSH reference limits differ widely during pregnancy, especially during the first trimester. להמשך קריאה Medical Errors The Third Leading Cause Of Death In US Research indicates that medical errors are now the third largest cause of death behind heart disease and cancer. In 1999, Institute of Medicine estimated deaths from medical errors at 98,000 annually and called preventable medical errors an epidemic. Based on data from 2000 to 2008, the new research report an average of 251,454 deaths per year. להמשך קריאה |
פינת האומנות וההיסטוריה |
John Hunter and the beginning of Osteoporosis An early medical pioneer, the eighteenth century English surgeon John Hunter (1728-1793), asked how does bone grow and develop over time ? His experiments on animals, along with observations of changes in the human jaw, led him to a surprising discovery: as new bone is laid down in the body, old bone is destroyed, or resorbed. This discovery that bone is constantly being remodeled predated widespread use of the microscope and the notion of cells as the workhorses of the body. So Hunter was unable to find out what caused such striking bone remodeling. It took a hundred more years of observations and experiments to discover that lodged in living bone are cells known as osteoclasts, which break down bone. Close on the heels of osteoclasts are bone-building cells known as osteoblasts. Because of the industry of both types of cell, the entire adult human skeleton is completely replaced about every ten years. Such bone remodeling, which Hunter first discovered in the 1770s, was later shown to play a critical role in osteoporosis. For more than 100 years after Hunter died, however, osteoporosis wasn’t even a recognized disease. A step toward such recognition was made in the 1830s by the French pathologist Jean Georges Chretien Frederic Martin Lobstein, best known for describing osteogenesis imperfecta, sometimes called Lobstein’s disease. He noticed that some patients’ bones were riddled with larger than normal holes, and he coined the term osteoporosis (porous bone) to describe such deteriorated human bone. But Lobstein didn’t pursue the question of what might be causing these holes to form in bone, or even whether they might be a symptom of disease. What caused such bone deterioration? Early in the last century, doctors assumed it was a natural consequence of age or immobility, but in the 1930s Fuller Albright of Massachusetts General Hospital couldn’t help but ponder what it was about being postmenopausal that made women particularly susceptible to having frail bones. A piece that helped Albright solve this puzzle came from a pair of anatomists who noticed, in 1934, that the bones of ovulating female pigeons were much more massive than those of male pigeons. Could the hormone estrogen, which is produced chiefly by the ovaries, be causing the difference in bone mass? Researchers at Yale University explored this possibility. When they injected estrogen into male pigeons, the birds’ bone mass increased dramatically, reaching levels found in female birds. What came next is contemporary history.From: Breakthroughs in bioscience 2011 (by courtesy Esti Kummer, MD) https://www.faseb.org/Portals/2/PDFs/opa/bone_break.pdf |
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