We are writing to warmly invite you to participate in the 6th D-Cure Symposium entitled “New Frontiers in Diabetes Research”. The meeting will take place at the Daniel Hotel, Herzliya, Israel on November 6, 2013. Sessions will include lectures by leading speakers from Israel and abroad, covering both basic research and its clinical relevance to diabetes therapy, as well as lectures and posters selected from submitted abstracts. The deadline for abstract submission is September 6, 2013. For further details http://www.medical-expo.co.il/d-cure-program.aspx . A satellite trainees meeting for post-doctoral fellows and advanced PhD students (2 years or more) will take place at Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, Beer-Sheva on November 5, 2013. For further details see: Additional information can be found in the attached brochures, and from Anat Schwartz (anat@medical-expo.co.il). Best regards The scientific organizing committee: |
D-Cure – New Frontiers in Diabetes Research | Call for Abstracts
תאריך: 06/11/2013